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Vergara-Castañeda H., Hernandez-Martinez A.R., Estevez M., Mendoza S., Luna-Bárcenas G., Pool H. 2016. Quercetin conjugated silica particles as novel biofunctional hybrid materials for biological applications. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 466: 44–55.
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Membrane biofouling mechanism in an aerobic granular reactor degrading 4-chlorophenol. Buitrón-G, Moreno-Andrade I, Arellano-Badillo VM, Ramírez-Amaya V. Water Sci Technol. 2014; 69 (8): 1759-67.
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La electroencefalografía en el manejo de la epilepsia. Aguilar-Fabré L, Rodríguez-Valdés RF, Hernández-Montiel HL. Revista Medicina, Salud y Sociedad 2014; 4 (3): 357-380.
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Spectral analysis of EEG in familial Alzheimer disease with E280 A. preselinin-1 mutation gene. Rodríguez RF, Lopera F, Álvarez A, Fernández Y, Galán L, Quiroz Y, Bobes MA. International Journal of Alzheimer´s Disease. 2014. Article ID180741.
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Paradigmas en la investigación. Enfoque cuantitativo y cualitativo. Vega‐Malagón G, Ávila‐Morales J, Vega‐Malagón AJ, Becerril‐Santos A, Leo‐Amador G. European Scientific Journal 2014; 10: 523‐528.
Breve historia de la intoxicación por plomo: de la cultura egipcia al renacimiento. Robles-Osorio ML, Ernesto Sabath. Revista de Investigación Clínica 2014; 66 (1): 88-91.
Iodine nutrition and thyroid function assessment in childbearing age women from Queretaro, México. Méndez-Villa l, Elton-Puente JE, Solís-S JC, Sampson-Zaldívar E, García-G C, Villalobos P, Colarossi A, García OP, Robles-Osorio L, y García-Solís P. Nutr Hosp. 2014; 29 (1): 204-211.
Tolerability assessment of a lectin fraction from Tepary bean seeds (Phaseolus acutifolius) orally administered to rats. Ferriz-Martinez RA, Garcia-Garcia K, Torres-Arteaga IC, Rodríguez-Méndez AJ, Guerrero-Carrillo MJ, Moreno-Celis U, Ángeles-Zaragoza MV, Blanco-Labra A, Gallegos-Corona MA, Robles-Álvarez JP, Mendiola-Olaya E, Andrade-Montemayor HM, García-García OP, García-Gasca T. Toxicology Reports. Aceptado para su publicación, Octubre 2014.
Structural synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus induced by spatial experience and its implications in information processing. Carasatorre M, Ramírez-Amaya V, Díaz Cintra S. Neurologia. 2013 Jun 27.
Differential effects of space vs. massed training in long-termobject-identity and object-location recognition memory. Bello-Medina PC, Sánchez-Carrasco-Livia, González-Ornelas NR, Jeffery KJ, Ramirez-Amaya V. Behav Brain Res. 2013; 250: 102-13.
Sustained transcription of the immediate early gene Arc in the dentate gyrus after spatial exploration. Ramírez-Amaya V, Ángulo-Perkins A, K-Chawla R, Barnes-C, Rosi-S. J Neurosci. 2013; 33 (4): 1631-9.
Clinical approach in neurodevelopmental delay screening tests. González-Salinas R, García-Gutierrez DG, Ricardo-Garcell J, Hernández-Montiel HL. Arch Neurocien (Mex). 2013 (18) 4: 259-262.
Young Hispanics at risk of type 2 diabetes display endothelial activation, subclinical inflammation and alterations of coagulation and fibrinolysis. Mendivil CO, Robles-Osorio L, Horton ES, Hamdy O, Caballero AE. Diabetol Metab Syndr 2013; 19; 5 (1): 1-8.
Iodine nutrition in elementary state schools of Queretaro, Mexico: correlations between urinary iodine concentration with global nutrition status and social gap index. García-Solís P, Solís JC, García-Gaytán AC, Reyes-Mendoza VA, Robles-Osorio L, Villareal-Ríos E, Leal-García L, Hernández-Montiel HL. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013 (56) 6: 473-82.
The effect of Mexican herbal infusions on diet-induced insulin resistance. Saavedra-Hernandez D, Hernández-Montiel HL, Gamboa-Gonzalez CI, Salgado-M L, Reinoso-Camacho R. Nutrafoods. 2013; 12: 55-63.
Cooked Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) Protect Against β-cell Damage in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats. Hernández-Saavedra D, Mendoza-Sánchez M, Hernández-Montiel HL, Guzmán-Mendoza OS, Loarca-Piña GF, Salgado LM, Reynoso-Camacho R. Plant Foods Hum Nutr 2013; 68 (2): 207-12.
Síndrome metabólico, diabetes y estrés oxidativo en la enfermedad de Alzheimer y Parkinson. Papel potencial del pirofosfato de tiamina. González-Loyola JG, Hernández-Montiel HL. Rev. Medicina Salud y Sociedad 2013; 3 (3): 1-22.
Chronic administration of thiamine pyrophosphate decreases age-related histological atrophic testicular changes and improves sexual behavior in male Wistar rats. Histology and histopathology. Hernández-Montiel HL, Vázquez-López CM, González-Loyola JG, Vega-AnayaGC, Villagrán-Herrera ME,Gallegos-Corona MA, Saldaña C, Ramos-Gómez M,García-Horshman P, García-Solís P, Solís-S JC,1 Robles-Osorio ML, Ávila-Morales J, Varela-Echavarría A, Paredes-Guerrero R. Histol Histopathol 2014. 29: 785-795.
Comparative bionomics of four populations of Meccus longipennis (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae) under laboratory conditions. Martínez-Ibarra JA, Nogueda-Torres B, Licón-Trillo Á, Villagrán-Herrera ME, de Diego-Cabrera JA, Montañez-Valdez OD, Rocha-Chávez G. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2013; 108 (2): 239-42.
Expression and function of chicken bursal growth hormone (GH). Luna M, Rodríguez-Méndez AJ, Luna-Acosta JL, Carranza M, Arámburo C. Gen Comp Endocrinol 2013; 190: 182-7.
De la epilepsia al sueño y viceversa. Aguilar-Fabré L, Rodríguez-Valdés RF, Morgade-Fonte RM. Revista Chilena de Epilepsia, 2013; 1:32-39
El Video-Electroencefalograma en pacientes epilépticos pediátricos. Aguilar-Fabré L, Rodríguez-Valdés RF, Morgade-Fonte RM, García-García RJ, Marrero-Martínez P, Bonet-Quesada E. Revista Chilena de Epilepsia, 2013; 1: 50-56.
Características electroencefalográficas de niños con trastornos en el desarrollo del lenguaje con y sin histidinemia. Quintana-Hernández D, Aguilar-Fabré L, Lantigua-Cruz PA, Tasé-Vila D, Calixto-Robert Y, Contreras-Roura J, Hernández-Cuervo O, Tamargo-Barbeito TO. Revista Cubana Neurología y Neurocirugía. 2013 3(2):117-121.